Seminar第2316讲 半渗透界面质量输运的相场模型

创建时间:  2022/10/31  谭福平   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):A phase field model for mass transport with semi-permeable interfaces(半渗透界面质量输运的相场模型)

报告人 (Speaker):徐士鑫 副研究员(昆山杜克大学)

报告时间 (Time):2022年11月2日(周三) 09:00 am

报告地点 (Place):腾讯会议ID:371-6810-3428



In this talk, a thermaldynamical consistent model for mass transfer across permeable moving interfaces is proposed by using the energy variation method. We consider a restricted diffusion problem where the flux across the interface depends on its conductance and the difference of the concentration on each side. The diffusive interface phase-field framework used here has several advantages over the sharp interface method. First of all, explicit tracking of the interface is no longer necessary. Secondly, interfacial conditions can be incorporated with a variable diffusion coefficient. Finally, topological changes of interfaces can be handed easily. A detailed asymptotic analysis confirms the diffusive interface model converges to the existing sharp interface model as the interface thickness goes to zero. An energy stable numerical scheme is developed to solve this highly nonlinear coupled system.Numerical simulations first illustrate the consistency of theoretical results on the sharp interface limit. Then a convergence study and energy decay test are conducted to ensure the efficiency and stability of the numerical scheme. To illustrate the effectiveness of our phase-field approach, several examples are provided, including a study of a two-phase mass transfer problem where droplets with deformable interfaces are suspended in a moving fluid. This work is collaborated with Yuzhe Qin, Huaxiong Huang.

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