Seminar第2215讲 Value-Gradient Formulation for Optimal Control Problem and its Machine-Learning Algorithm

创建时间:  2021/11/25  谭福平   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):Value-Gradient Formulation for Optimal Control Problem and its Machine-Learning Algorithm

报告人 (Speaker):周翔教授(香港城市大学)

报告时间 (Time):2021年11月25日(周四) 10:30

报告地点 (Place):G507


报告摘要:Optimal control problem is typically cast as a nonlinear Hamiltonian-Jacobi-Bellman PDE problem which the value function satisfies. In this talk, we show motivations of focusing its gradient and derive a PDE system for the (vector-valued) gradient of the value function (value-gradient function), which is closed and enjoys a nice component-decoupling property. This PDE system of value-gradient can be solved by the method of characteristics as the linear HJB equation: one curve of characteristics will produce the data for both value and value-gradient. Supplemented by this additional value-gradient data, the value function is then computed by minimizing the sum of two mean square errors between the data and the parametric function approximations. We show by a few numerical examples the improvement of both robustness and accuracy when such value-gradient is taken into account. The linear convergence of the iterative algorithm is proved under mild conditions. This is joint work with A. Bensoussan and P. Yam and JY Han.

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