Seminar第2193讲 一些图的星补问题研究

创建时间:  2021/11/17  谭福平   浏览次数:   返回


(Graphs with a prescribed graph as a star complement)

报告人: 尤利华 教授(华南师范大学)

报告时间:2021年11月16日(周二) 19:30




报告摘要:Let $\mu$ be an eigenvalue of $G$ with multiplicity $k$.

A {\em star set} for $\mu$ in $G$ is a subset $X$ of $V(G)$ such that $\left | X \right |=k$ and $\mu$ is not an eigenvalue of $G-X$, where $G-X$ is the subgraph of $G$ induced by $\overline{X}=V(G)\setminus X$. In this situation $H=G-X$ is called a {\em star complement} for $\mu$. In this talk, we introduce the study on the star sets and star complements:

(1) characterize the regular graphs with a given graph as a star complement for an eigenvalue $\mu$;

(2) characterize the maximal graphs with a given graph as a star complement for an eigenvalue $\mu$.

上一条:Seminar第2194讲 传染病动力学模型与分支现象研究

下一条:Seminar第2192讲 Cohomologies, extensions and deformations of Leibniz Triple Systems

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