报告题目 (Title):Quantum correspondences of Lie superalgebras
报告人 (Speaker): 许莹 教授(合肥工业大学)
报告时间 (Time):2021年10月23日(周六) 9:00
报告地点 (Place):腾讯会议 会议ID:597 648 237
报告摘要:There is a surprising isomorphism between the quantised universal enveloping algebras of osp(1|2n) and so(2n+1). This same isomorphism emerged in recent work of Mikhaylov and Witten in the context of string theory as a T-duality composed with an Sduality. In this talk, I will first introduce the similar Hopf superalgebra isomorphisms for families of pairs of quantum affine superalgebras. An immediate consequence is that the representation categories of the quantum affine superalgebras in each pair are equivalent as strict tensor categories. Then, I will give a brife introduction of the Drinfeld realisations for the quantum affine superalgebras of the series osp(1|2n)^(1), sl(1|2n)^(2) and osp(2|2n)^(2). By using the realisations, we develop vertex operator representations and classify the finite dimensional irreducible representations for these quantum affine superalgebras. This is a joint work with Ruibin Zhang.
报告人简介:许莹,合肥工业大学副教授,硕士生导师。2012年于中国科学技术大学取得博士学位,之后进入合肥工业大学工作。2015年9月至2017年11月,在澳大利亚悉尼大学从事访问博士后的研究工作。主要从事李代数和量子群的结构和表示理论方面的研究。至今,在Mathematical Research Letters,Journal of Algebra,Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra等期刊上发表学术论文二十余篇。