报告题目 (Title):On some properties of convex bodies
报告人 (Speaker):苑立平(河北师范大学)
报告时间 (Time):2024年3月29日(周五) 14:00
报告地点 (Place):校本部F309
报告摘要:Let ℱ be a family of sets in Rd (always d ≥ 2). A set M⊂Rd is called ℱ-convex, if for any pair of distinct points x, y∈M, there is a set F∈ℱ such that x, y∈F and F⊂M. A family ℱ of compact sets is called complete if ℱ contains all compact ℱ-convex sets. A convex body K is called selfish, if the family ℱK of all convex bodies similar to K is complete. We say that a convex body C has the Rupert property if we can make a hole large enough in C to permit another copy of C to pass through.
In this talk we'll discuss the selfishness and Rupert property of some convex bodies.