核心数学研究所——几何与分析综合报告第70讲 各种稳定性概念之间的关系及其应用

创建时间:  2024/04/04  谭福平   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):The relations among the notions of various kinds of stability and their applications


报告人 (Speaker):郭铁信(中南大学)

报告时间 (Time):2024年4月3日(周三) 10:00

报告地点 (Place):校本部GJ303


报告摘要:First, we prove that a random metric space can be isometrically embedded into a complete random normed module, as an application of which, it is easy to see that the notion of -stability introduced for a nonempty subset of a random metric space can be regarded as a special case of the notion of -stability introduced for a nonempty subset of a random normed module, as another application we give the final version of the characterization for a -stable random metric space to be stably compact. Second, we prove that an -module is an -normed -module iff it is generated by a complete random normed module, from which it is easily seen that the gluing property of an -normed -module can be derived from the -stability of the generating random normed module, as applications the known and new basic facts of module duals for -normed -modules can be obtained, in a simple and direct way, from the theory of random conjugate spaces of random normed modules. Third, we prove that a random normed space is order complete iff it is complete with respect to the (-topology, as an application it is proved that the -decomposability of an order complete random normed space is exactly its --stability. Finally, we prove that an equivalence relation on the product space of a nonempty set and a complete Boolean algebra is regular iff it can be induced by a -valued Boolean metric d on , as an application it is proved that a nonempty subset of a Boolean set is universally complete iff it is a -stable set defined by a regular equivalence relation.

上一条:Seminar第2634讲 改进的长时间分裂方法的一致误差界

下一条:上海大学核心数学研究所——几何与分析综合报告第69讲 关于凸体的一些性质

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