2018 China-Korea International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications IRCTMT-AORC Joint Meeting (ICMTA2018) Shanghai University, Shanghai, China December 17-20, 2018
PurposeThe purpose of the conference is to stimulate research and foster interaction of researchers interested in matrix theory and related topics. Sponsored by the two research centers at Shanghai University and the Sungkyunkwan University, the conference hopes to provide a convenient platform for the exchange of research experiences and ideas from different research areas related to matrix theory. Sponsors International Research Center for Tensor and Matrix Theory (IRCTMT), Shanghai University, China. Applied Algebra and Optimization Research Center (AORC), Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. Gaoyuan Discipline of Shanghai —— Mathematics, Shanghai City, China. Organizers | | Gi-Sang Cheon Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. | Delin Chu National University of Singapore, Singapore. |  |  | Chi-Kwong Li(Co-Chair) College of William & Mary, USA. | Ren-cang Li University of Texas at Arlington, USA. |  |  | Yongdo Lim Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. | Yiu-Tung Poon Iowa State University, USA. |  |  | Tin-Yau Tam University of Nevada, Reno, USA. | Qing-Wen Wang(Chair) Shanghai University, China. |  |  | Fuzhen Zhang Nova Southeastern University, USA. | Yang Zhang University of Manitoba, Canada. |
Local Organizing Committee Nan Gao, Zhuoheng He, Xiaomei Jia, Jianjun Zhang, Jiancai Sun, Fuping Tan, Qing-Wen Wang (Chair), Xiying Yuan, Qin Zhang, Fayou Zhao, Yunfei Zhou Important Dates Please confirm your participation by November 30, 2018. December 17, 2018 Registration December 18-19, 2018 Talks December 20, 2018 Check-out Confirmed Invited ParticipantsNhan-Phu Chung, Sungkyunkwan University Jor-Ting Chan, University of Hong Kong Jianlong Chen, Southeast University Guoliang Chen, East China Normal University Gi-Sang Cheon (organizer), Sungkyunkwan University Man-Duen Choi, University of Toronto Nhan-Phu Chung, Sungkyunkwan University Wei Dai, Huaibei Normal University Jinyan Fan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Tingran Gao, University of Chicago Chuanqing Gu, Shanghai University Fumio Hiai, Tohoku University Zejun Huang, Hunan University Suk Moon Huh, Sungkyunkwan University Dijana Ilisevic, University of Zagreb Zhigang Jia, Jiangsu Normal University Tongsong Jiang, Heze University Ho Yun Jung, Sungkyunkwan University Yoon Mo Jung, Sungkyunkwan University Bumtle Kang, Sungkyunkwan University Chang Heon Kim, Sungkyunkwan University Jang Soo Kim, Sungkyunkwan University Kyoungmin Kim, Sungkyunkwan University Sejong Kim, Chungbuk National University Sooyeong Kim, University of Manitoba Steve Kirkland, University of Manitoba Namhun Koo, Sungkyunkwan University Muralitharan Krishnan, Sungkyunkwan University Bojan Kuzma, University of Primorska Soonhak Kwon, Sungkyunkwan University Pan Shun Lau, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Chi-Kwong Li (organizer), College of William and Mary Jicheng Li, Xian Jiao Tong University Ren-Cang Li, University of Texas at Arlington, USA Wen Li, South China Normal University Dongkyu Lim, Sungkyunkwan University Yongdo Lim, Sungkyunkwan University Ying-Fen Lin, Queens University Seyed Ahmad Mojallal, Sungkyunkwan University Ricky Ng, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Jianyu Pan, East China Normal University Edward Poon, Embry-Riddle University Yiu-Tung Poon (organizer), Iowa State University Han-Guk Seol, Sungkyunkwan University Seok-Zun Song, Jeju National University Raymond Nung-Sing Sze, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Tamás Titkos, Rényi Institute and BBS University of Applied Sciences, Hungary Ninoslav Truhar, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Chuanlong Wang, Taiyuan Normal University Gang Wang, Liaocheng University Long Wang, Taizhou University Musheng Wei, Shanghai Normal University Yimin Wei, Fudan University Gang Wu, China University of Mining and Technology Yaokun Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Changqing Xu, Suzhou University of Science and Technology Qingxiang Xu, Shanghai Normal University Sanzhang Xu, Huaiyin Institute of Technology Junfeng Yin, Tongji University Mee Sue Yoo, Sungkyunkwan University Xingzhi Zhan, East China Normal University Fuzhen Zhang, Nova Southeastern University, USA Xiaodong Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Yang Zhang, University of Manitoba Ruju Zhao, Yangzhou University Bing Zheng, Lanzhou University
Format of Abstract SubmissionPlease send the title and abstract of your talk to hzh19871126@126.com by November 3, 2018. Sample Latex format is given below: %%%%% Send your title and abstract to hzh19871126@126.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% MATRIX THEORY & RELATED TOPICS Conference Talk LaTex Template; copy from this line %%%% \documentclass[11pt]{article} \begin{document} \medskip\noindent {\bf Name:} Chi-Kwong Li, ckli@math.wm.edu \medskip\noindent {\bf Affiliation:} Department of Mathematics, College of William and Mary, USA \medskip\noindent {\bf Title:} Sample abstract \medskip\noindent {\bf Abstract:} We present a sample abstract. \medskip\noindent {\bf Co-author(s):} Co-organizer (CWM). \end{document} %%%%%%%% end copy %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Registration and deadlines By November 1, 2018, please submit the following information to Dr. Zhuo-Heng He ( hzh19871126@126.com ). The title and abstract of your talk using the following LaTex template. Your date of arrival and departure. Accommodation needs. (a) Do you need a single room, a double room (one large bed or two beds, or more than one rooms for your family members? (b) If you come by yourself, and want to share room, please indicate that you are male or female. Indicate your other constraints on food, accommodation, etc. if there are any.
Registration FeeAccomodation New Lehu Hotel (Inside the campus), Shanghai University 716 Jinqiu Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China. Check-in date: December 17, 2018. Check-out date: December 20, 2018. TravelBy AirplanePudong Airport to Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus) Line 1: Pudong Airport by Metro Line 2 to Jing'an Temple exchange to Metro Line 7 to Shanghai University (Exit No. 2). Line 2: Directly take taxi to 716 Jinqiu Road, Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus, North Gate). Hongqiao Airport to Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus) Line 3: Hongqiao Airport by Metro Line 2 to Jing'an Temple exchange to Metro Line 7 to Shanghai University (Exit No. 2). Line 4: Directly take taxi to 716 Jinqiu Road, Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus, North Gate). By TrainShanghai South Railway Station to Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus) Line 5: By Metro Line 1 to Changshu Road exchange to Metro Line 7 to Shanghai University (Exit No. 2). Line 6: Directly take taxi to 716 Jinqiu Road, Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus, North Gate). Shanghai Railway Station to Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus) Line 7: By Metro Line 1 to Changshu Road exchange to Metro Line 7 to Shanghai University (Exit No. 2). Line 8: By Metro Line 3 to Zhenping Road exchange to Metro Line 7 to Shanghai University (Exit No. 2). Line 9: Directly take taxi to 716 Jinqiu Road, Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus, North Gate). Line 10: By Bus Route 58: Railway Station (Hengfeng Road) to the last stop (near 716 Jinqiu Road, Shanghai University, Baoshan Campus, North Gate). Photos