Seminar第2137期 最优控制中的时阈转换技巧与方法

创建时间:  2021/06/29  谭福平   浏览次数:   返回

报告主题:最优控制中的时阈转换技巧与方法(Optimal Control Computation for Nonlinear Switched Systems)

报 告 人:Kok Lay Teo (张国礼)教授 (Sunway University, Malaysia ;Curtin University, Australia 澳大利亚)

报告时间:2021年7月6日(周二) 10:00

线上报告:会议时间:2021/07/05 10:00-12:00

会议 ID:384 913 592


主办部门:上海大学理学院数学系、上海大学运筹与优化开放实验室、上海市运筹学会报告摘要: Switched systems operate by switching among various modes or subsystems. This talk considers optimal control problems governed by nonlinear switched systems in which the mode dynamics are described by nonlinear differential equations. A computational method for computing the optimal control for this optimal control problem is to be presented. This computational method is based on some key ideas in optimal control computation, which include control parameterization, time-scaling transformation, and the constraint transcription method. Several examples are discussed.

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