报告题目 (Title):Geometric construction of Schur algebras(Schur代数的几何构造)
报告人 (Speaker):罗栗 教授(华东师范大学)
报告时间 (Time):2024年12月20日(周五)16:00-17:00
报告地点 (Place):GJ303
报告摘要:We provide the geometric construction of a series of generalized Schur algebras of any type via Borel-Moore homologies and equivariant K-groups of generalized Steinberg varieties. As applications, we obtain a Schur algebra analogue of the local geometric Langlands correspondence of any type, provide an equivariant K-theoretic realization of quasi-split i-quantum groups of affine type AIII, and establish a geometric Howe duality for affine i-quantum groups. This is joint work with my students Zheming Xu and Yang Yang.