Seminar第2681讲 欧氏空间中的开子集上的哈代空间

创建时间:  2024/07/25  谭福平   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):欧氏空间中的开子集上的哈代空间

报告人 (Speaker):林钦诚 教授(台湾中央大学)

报告时间 (Time):2024年8月2日(周五) 8:30-11:30

报告地点 (Place):校本部GJ303


报告摘要:The theory of Hardy spaces over $\mathbb R^n$, originated by C. Fefferman and Stein, was generalized several decades ago to the case of subsets of $\mathbb R^n$. The pioneering work of generalization was done by Jonsson, Sj\"ogren, and Wallin for the case of suitable closed subsets and by Miyachi for the case of proper open subsets. In this talk we study Hardy spaces on proper open $\Omega\subset \Bbb R^n$, where $\Omega$ satisfies a doubling condition and $|\Omega|=\infty$. We explore the relationship among Hardy spaces by means of atomic decomposition, radial maximal function, and grand maximal function.

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