报告题目 (Title): A volumetric Minkowski inequality and applications
中文标题: 体积型的闵可夫斯基不等式及其应用
报告人 (Speaker):王嘉平教授 明尼苏达大学
报告时间 (Time):2024年6月17号(周一),10:00
报告地点 (Place):校本部GJ303
报告摘要:The classical Minkowski inequality states that the boundary surface area of a compact convex domain in the Euclidean space is bounded from above by an integral of its mean curvature with equality if and only if the domain is a ball. Together with the isoperimetric inequality, it implies that the volume of such a domain is so bounded as well. In this talk, we discuss a generalization of the latter inequality to complete manifolds and some of its applications. This is a joint work with Ovidiu Munteanu.