报告题目 (Title):Reflection functors on Separated Monomorphism Categories (可分单态射范畴上的反射函子)
报告人 (Speaker):罗秀花(南通大学)
报告时间 (Time):2024年5月31日(周五) 13:00 – 13:40
报告地点 (Place):校本部Gj303
邀请人(Inviter):高楠 教授
报告摘要:In this talk, we will give a brief review of reflection functors defined by Bernstein, Gelfand and Ponomarev and the generalization of these functors over quiver representations over algebras. Via reflection functors together with Mono and Mepi functors, we show a new proof of the equivalence
where A is a selfinjective algebra, Q is an acyclic finite quiver with a sink v and Q(v) is obtained from Q by reversing all the arrows ending at v. This talk is based on the joint work with M. Schmidmeier and discussion with Shijie Zhu.