报告题目 (Title):Rigidity of positively curved steady Ricci solitons on manifolds and orbifolds
中文标题: 流形和轨形上正弯曲稳态 Ricci 孤子的刚性
报告人 (Speaker):邓宇星(北京理工大学)
报告时间 (Time):2023年12月20日(周三) 14:30
报告地点 (Place):校本部C509
报告摘要:Steady Ricci solitons are important examples of singularities models. In higher dimensions, singularity models can be steady Ricci solitons on orbifolds. In this talk, we will review some rigidity theorems on positively curved steady Ricci solitons on manifolds. We will also classify positively curved noncollapsed steady Ricci solitons on orbifolds that dimension reduces to quotients of spheres.