报告题目 (Title):Some results on quadratic Lie conformal algebras
报告题目 (Title):关于二次李共形代数的一些结果
报告人 (Speaker): 洪燕勇 教授 (杭州师范大学)
报告时间 (Time):2023年11月7日(周二) 8:00
报告地点 (Place):D123
报告摘要:In this talk, I will first introduce some basic definitions associated with Lie conformal algebras and some known results on the classification of Lie conformal algebras. Then I will introduce the definition of quadratic Lie conformal algebras and give some characterizations of simplicities and central extensions of quadratic Lie conformal algebras from the point of the view of Gel’fand-Dorfman bialgebras.