报告题目 (Title):一个发散的拉马努金类型超同余式的新推广
报告人 (Speaker): 郭军伟 教授(淮阴师范学院)
报告时间 (Time):2023年06月19日(周一) 11:00
报告地点 (Place):校本部E421
报告摘要:We give a new extension of a ``divergent" Ramanujan-type supercongruence of Guillera and Zudilin by establishing a $q$-analogue of this result. Our proof makes use of the ``creative microscoping" method, which was introduced by the second author and Zudilin in 2019. We also present a similar extension of the (L.2) supercongruence of Van Hamme in the modulus $p^2$ case.