报告题目 (Title):外区域上的里斯变换
报告人 (Speaker):蒋仁进 教授(首都师范大学)
报告时间 (Time):2023年3月10日(周五) 10:00
报告地点 (Place):线上腾讯会议,会议 ID:500-389-016
报告摘要:Riesz transform on bounded domains as well as complete manifolds/ metric spaces have been widely studied. However, not much has been known for the case of exterior domain. In this talk, we report some recent progress in this direction. Briefly speaking, we give an almost complete solution to this problem, which also confirms some conjectures from Auscher et al. Math. Ann. 2001 and Hassell et. al. IUMJ 2009.