Seminar第2338讲 与Dunkl算子相关的Hardy空间的研究进展

创建时间:  2022/12/17  谭福平   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):与Dunkl算子相关的Hardy空间的研究进展

报告人 (Speaker):李中凯 教授(上海师范大学)

报告时间 (Time):2022年12月21日(周三) 14:00

报告地点 (Place):线上腾讯会议,会议 ID:481-848-034


报告摘要:Associated to the finite reflection group generated by a root system on the Euclidean space, C. F. Dunkl introduced a class of commuting differential-reflection operators involving a given multiplicity function. In this talk I shall present recent works on the Hardy spaces associated with the Dunkl operators.

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