1. Gu Chuanqing(顾传青), A Practical Two-Dimensional Thiele-Type Matrix PadéApproximation, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 2003,48(12): 2259-2263.
2. Gu Chuanqing, Generalized inverse matrix Padé approximation on the basis of scalar products, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2001, 322: 141-167.
3. Gu Chuanqing, Thiele-type and Lagrange-type generalized inverse rational interpolation for rectangular complex matrices, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 1999, 295: 7-30.
4. Xiaojing Zhu, Chunjing Li, Chuanqing Gu, A new method for computing the matrix exponential operation based on vector valued rational approximations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2012, 236: 2306-2316.
5. Youtian Tao, Chuanqing Gu*, A two-dimensional matrix Padé-type approximation in the inner product space, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009, 231 (2): 680-695.
6.Chuanqing Gu, Jindong Shen, Function-valued Padé-type, approximant via the formal orthogonal polynomials and its, applications in solving integral equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008, 221 (1): 114-131.
7. Gu Chuanqing, Matrix Padé-type Approximant and Directional Matrix Padé Approximant in the Inner Product Space, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2004, 164-165: 365-385.
8. Wang Jinbo, Gu Chuanqing*, Vector valued Thiele-Werner-type osculatory rational interpolants, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2004, 163 (1): 241-252.
9. Gu Chuanqing, Multivariate generalized inverse vector valued rational interpolants, Journal of Computational and Applied, Mathematics, 1997, 84: 137-146.
10.Gu Chuanqing, Bivariate Thiele-type matrix valued rational interpolants, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 1997, 80:71-82.
11. Yu’e An, Gu Chuanqing*, Model reduction for large-scale dynamical systems via equality constrained least squares, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2010, 234 (8): 2420-2431.
[1] Gu Chuanqing, Bivariate Thiele-type matrix valued rational interpolants, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (荷兰), 1997, 80: 71-82.
[2] Gu Chuanqing, Multivariate generalized inverse vector valued rational Interpolants, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (荷兰),1997, 84: 137-146.
[3] Gu Chuanqing, Thiele-type and Lagrange-type generalized inverse rational interpolation for rectangular complex matrices, Linear Algebra and Its Applications (美国), 1999, 295: 7-30.
[4] Gu Chuanqing, Generalized inverse matrix Pade approximation on the basis of scalar products, Linear Algebra and Its Applications (美国) , 2001, 322: 141-167.
[5] Gu Chuanqing and Zhu Gongqin,Bivariate Lagrange-type vector valued rational interpolants, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2002, 20(2): 207-216.
[6] Gu Chuanqing, A Practical Two-Dimensional Thiele-Type Matrix Pade Approximation, IEEE Trans. Automat.Control(美国, 二区), 2003, 48(12):2259-2263.
[7] Wang Jinbo and Gu Chuanqing, Vector valued Thiele-Werner-type osculatory rational interpolants, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics(荷兰),2004, 163(1):241-252.
[8] Gu Chuanqing, Matrix Pade-type Approximant and Directional Matrix Pad'e Approximant in the Inner Product Space, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics(荷兰),2004, 164-165:365-385.
[9]Chuanqing Gu, Jindong Shen, Function-valued Padé-type approximant and its applications in solving integral equations,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics(荷兰), 2008,221(1):114-131.
[10] Gu Chuanqing, Xue Huiyan, A Shift-Splitting Hierarchical Identification Method for Solving Lyapunov Matrix Equations, Linear Algebra and Its Applications(美国),2009,430(5-6):1517-1530.
[11]Gu Chuanqing, Zhaolu Tian, On the HSS iteration methods for positive definite Toeplitz linear systems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics(荷兰), 2009,224(2): 709-718.
[12] Youtian Tao,Chuanqing Gu,A two-dimensional matrix Padé-type approximation in the inner product space, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (荷兰), 2009,231(2):680-695.
[13] Yu’e An, Gu Chuanqing, Model reduction for large-scale dynamical systems via equality constrained least squares, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (荷兰), 2010,234(8):2420-2431.
12.Gu Chuanqing, Xue Huiyan, A Shift-Splitting Hierarchical Identification Method for Solving Lyapunov Matrix Equations, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2009, 430 (5-6): 1517-1530.
13. Gu Chuanqing, Zhaolu Tian, On the HSS iteration methods for positive definite Toeplitz linear systems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009, 224 (2): 709-718.
14. Gu Chuanqing, Hongjun Qian, Skew-symmetric methods for nonsymmetric linear systems with multiple right-hand sides, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009, 223 (2): 567-577.
15. Xiuhua Wang, Jisheng Kou, Chuanqing Gu, Semilocal Convergence of Class of Modified Super-Halley Methods in Banach Spaces, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2012
(doi 10.1007/s10957-012-9985-9).
16.Lin Zheng, Chuanqing Gu*, Semilocal convergence of a sixth-order method in Banach spaces, Numerical Algorithms, 2012 (doi10.1007/s11075-012-9541-6).
17. Lin Zheng, Chuanqing Gu*, Recurrence relations for semilocal convergence of a fifth-order method in Banach spaces, Numerical Algorithms, 2012, 59: 623-638.
18. Xiuhua Wang, Jisheng Kou, Chuanqing Gu, Semilocal convergence of a sixth-order Jarratt method in Banach spaces, Numerical Algorithms, 2011, 57: 441–456.
19. Xiuhua Wang, Chuanqing Gu, Jisheng Kou, Semilocal convergence of a multipoint fourth-order super-Halley method in Banach spaces, Numerical Algorithms, 2011, 56: 497–516.
20. Xiuhua Wang, Jisheng Kou, Chuanqing Gu, A new modified secant-like method for solving nonlinear equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2010,60: 1633-1638.