

职称/职务: 讲师

邮箱: zhouanwa AT shu.edu.cn

研究领域: 最优化理论与方法



2016/06- 2018/11,上海大学,数学系,师资博士后



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 分部对称完全正优化的理论与算法研究, 2023-01至2026-12, 46万元, 在研, 主持.

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,完全正张量规划的数值方法, 2018-01至2021-12, 25万元, 已结题, 主持.

3. 2016博士后创新人才支持计划,完全正张量优化及其应用研究,2016-08至2018-11,60万元, 已结题, 主持.

4. 全国博士后第60批面上资助,完全正张量及相关问题的研究,2016-10至2018-11,5万元, 已结题, 主持.


1. R.X. Zhao, A.W. Zhou, J.Y. Fan, The quadratic tensor eigenvalue complementarity problem (in Chinese), SCIENTIA SINICA Mathematica, 52 ( 2022), 475-492.

2. A.W. Zhou, Y.R. Wu, J.Y. Fan, Hermitian completely positive tensors, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 17 (2021), 521-546.

3. A.W. Zhou, J.Y. Fan, Q.W. Wang, Completely positive tensors in complex field, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 63 (2020), 1219–1234.

4. A.W. Zhou, J.Y. Fan, Guangming Zhou, Hermitian completely positive matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 604 (2020), 187-209.

5. A.W. Zhou and J.Y. Fan, A hierarchy of semidefinite relaxations for completely positive tensor optimization problems, Journal of Global Optimization, 75 (2019), 417–437.

6. J.Y. Fan, J.W. Nie and A.W. Zhou, Completely positive binary tensors. Mathematics of Operations Research, 44 (2019), 1087–1100.

7. A.W. Zhou and J.Y. Fan, A semidefinite relaxation algorithm for checking completely positive separable matrices, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 15 (2019), 893–908.

8. A.W. Zhou and J.Y. Fan, Completely positive tensor recovery with minimal nuclear value. Computational Optimization and Applications, 70 (2018), 419–441.

9. A.W. Zhou, X. Zhao, J.Y. Fan, Y.Q. Bai, Tensor maximal correlation problems, Journal of Global Optimization, 70 (2018), 843–858.

10. J.Y. Fan, J.W. Nie and A.W. Zhou, Tensor eigenvalue complementarity problems, Mathematical Programming, Series A, 170 (2018), 507–539.

11. J.Y. Fan and A.W. Zhou, A semidefinite algorithm for completely positive tensor decomposition, Computational Optimization and Applications, 66 (2017), 267–283.

12. J.Y. Fan and A.W. Zhou, The CP-matrix approximation problem, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 37 (2016), 171–194.

13. J.Y. Fan and A.W. Zhou, Computing the distance between the linear matrix pencil and the completely positive cone, Computational Optimization and Applications, 64 (2016), 647–670.

14. A.W. Zhou and J.Y. Fan, Interiors of completely positive cones, Journal of Global Optimization, 63 (2015), 653–675.

15. A.W. Zhou and J.Y. Fan, Partially positive matrices, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 58 (2015), 2245–2254.

16. A.W. Zhou and J.Y. Fan, Monotonically positive matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 485 (2015), 467–479.

17. A.W. Zhou and J.Y. Fan, The CP-matrix completion problem, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 35 (2014), 127–142.



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